SHOHORTOLI started its journey at a lean lane of Mirpur in between 2004 / 05 (approximately). The journey was initiated by three individuals, namely; Mishu, Biddut, Galib. At that time it had no name. Then Sunny & Tapan came and made this setup a full-fledged one; and finally it became SHOHORTOLI. The title of the band was suggested by Mishu. Basically, the true bonding of friendship & brotherhood brought together these five individuals holding this setup; until lately; the band has three members now leaving behind the two of its old buddies (Galib & Biddut).
Band Publications:
Borabor Shohortoli (Label: Obony, Release Date: 6th December, 2010)
Opor Prishtha Droshtobbo (Label:Taner Taan;Release Date:13th October’13)
Asader Khola Chithi (in the Mixed Album: Niyon Aloi Shagotom, Released in 2007)
Felani ( released in the Mixed Album: Hatiar, 2012)
Zia Vai (Shironamhin) : Learned hell of a lot from him.
Zooel Morhsed: Our Techno-teacher.
Raju Vai: The Sound Engineer. One of the best Live-sound managers in Bangladesh, understands the music to its bone.
Sonia Shabnam Farzana: “The friend in need is a friend indeed”. Sonia is our friend indeed. Supported us all the way, still with us, strong & stout.
Ashikur Rahman: The art-director. Helps with all sorts of art-affiliated suggestion.
Farsim: The ear behind the band; listens every note we play and guide us.
Afzal Hossain Munna: Our beloved friend showing the way behind the camera.
Dhaka Commerce College & all of its students
Reference : https://www.facebook.com/pg/shohortoliband/about/?ref=page_internal